Google announced that they are looking at a soaring figure on mobile searches, and for the first time it exceeds desktop searched. Although it’s true, but only applies to some prominent continents and countries. Now, the case applies to every country on the planet. It brings a clear message to digital marketers around the world – Go Mobile or Go Home.
On the whole, we still see steady growth with desktop searches, but in percentiles it has definitely fell against mobile searches. We are living in a flat world, where we are constantly stringed together with internet connection, and that makes internet searches so easy. Smartphones are slowly becoming a necessity, and they will always be at reach whenever needed. That is why the overall mobile search queries are growing so rapidly. On top of the impressive stats, Google has now indexed close to 100 billion links within the Google application for Android and IOS operating system. The app helps ease the search process, where it directs them to the results into the app version of a web page.
It was only May when the news first announced. In slightly more than a quarter, we see the exponential growth makes headline again. Who knows what other headlines they will be creating.
What does these lead us? It’s absolutely wrong to write off desktop searches right away, because it still has its prominence. Stats on desktop search in fact, has been climbing steadily on monthly basis. All we can say is, the growing prominence of mobile searches, overshadowed the traditional desktop searches.
On the whole, desktop search has grown. As a percentage, it has dropped. That’s because we’re living in what I’ve called an “always-on search world,” where we’re always able to search. Got a query? Your phone is always in reach, as opposed to the past when you’d have to get to wherever your computer was. So, the overall search queries happening have grown.
Related, last month we reported that despite the growth in apps, search remains strong. Google Search in mobile browsers is big, according to a Morgan Stanley report based on comScore data. Google Search within its app is even bigger. In fact, Google Search is rated as the fourth most popular app overall, in the US.